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Get Financial Aid For EMS / EMT Training

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Going to school to become an EMT, AEMT, or paramedic may feel expensive. Don’t let that stop you from getting into the field. There are many ways you can get financial aid to lighten the burden. 

What Types Of Financial Aid Are Available?

The two major types of financial aid available include government-funded grants such as the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Pell Grant. In addition, there are student loans available that require reimbursement.

The majority of colleges have their own funds that can be applied for, whether it's a scholarship, grant, or loan. There are also state government and federal government courses.

Tell Me More About The Options


For many, grants are the most desirable option, because they don't have to be paid back. That means they don't accrue interest either. Two of the best options are the FAFSA and the Pell Grant.

Private loans

While student loans help cover the costs of school, they must be repaid over a designated period of time, with interest. These loans are typically offered at a lower rate than the market, so the payback isn't as intimidating. They do not reduce the costs of schooling overall; they just help with the immediate cost. The U.S. Department of Education offers the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, and the Sallie Mae Career Training Smart Option Loan is also available.

Merit scholarships

Merit scholarships must be applied for at the school you will be attending. The scholarships are awarded based on certain criteria set by the school.

Financial Aid Specific To EMTs

If your parents were also EMTs, then this scholarship could be yours from BoundTree Medical.

For active members of NAEMT, this one is for you.

There may also be money available specifically in your state, so be sure to check with your admissions professional who will be able to help you locate the finances to aid you in your scholastic pursuits.

Finding Help

Not all programs qualify for government financial aid, so make certain to discuss viable options with the financial aid officer at your school of choice. Your school’s financial aid officer should be able to point you in the right direction. There is a lot of financial aid money out there to help those who need it; you just need to apply.

Reference: How to get Financial Aid for Trade School

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